Diamonds represent luxury, class, style, and beauty. A diamond is a timeless and classic gemstone that adds
that special wow factor to your everyday life. Each one is perfectly unique just like you. So when choosing your
diamond it’s important to take the 4 C’s into consideration, Cut, Carat, Clarity, and Color.
The cut of a diamond will determine how it will reflect light. A well-cut diamond will interact with the light in a way
that will disperse it’s color in a vibrant manner, making it truly shine bright. Factors include shape, proportion, and
Contrary to popular belief, the carat of a diamond refers to its weight and not its size. Weight can be impacted by the shape of the gem and its cut. A round ring may be roughly around the same size as a princess style ring however one may have a deeper cut resulting in a heavier weight. That being said a higher Carat weight alone does not always represent the actual value when the other C’s are taken into account as well.
Diamonds are formed deep within the Earth, and so they oftentimes come with their own little imperfections called inclusions ( internal ) and blemishes ( external ). A diamond’s Clarity is in relation to the absence of these imperfections. Should a diamond have significant inclusions it may appear cloudy and have less of a sparkle in the light. A Clarity scale exists ranging from FL ( Flawless ) to I2 ( Imperfect ) to help guide you on your diamond journey.
Diamond Hut’s website features such a scale in the Diamond Search feature.
Color is the last of the C’s and as the name suggests, deals with the physical coloring of the diamond. When the color
of the diamond is being discussed it is actually referring to the lack of color. Most diamonds appear to be “colorless” or
“near-colorless” but in fact have very slight hints of yellow and or brown. Similar to Clarity, Color also has a scale that
ranges fromD ( colorless ) to Z ( yellow tones ). Generally, the closer the diamond is to having no hints of color the more
valuable they tend to be.
To explore more about Cut, Carat, Clarity, and Color visit our Diamond Search Tool and find the diamond of your dreams.